A+ Accounting: A School CFO's Guide to Technology

Today’s private and independent school CFO goes beyond just delivering accurate reports and budgets. Today’s CFO is a strategy optimizer with a growth mindset. Seeing both the small and big picture, a high-performing CFO leverages insights to understand and communicate what has happened, what is happening, and what can be done going forward.    

It can be daunting, but CFOs don’t have to face these hurdles alone. As a leader striving to stay a step ahead, leveraging data, analytics, and reporting to oversee smart finance tactics and drive forward-thinking changes, today’s CFOs understand technology’s pivotal role. Technology can allow CFOs to remain agile by saving time with advanced reporting, accessing dashboards for at-a-glance views of individual program performance as well as an overall view of a school’s fiscal performance, and analyzing data to be a valuable strategic partner in the school’s business office.   

Learn how technology can help the K-12 CFO: 

  • Ensure your school’s fiscal decisions allocations are in line with current and future goals   
  • Analyze and plan for both capital and instructional expenses   
  • Communicate fiscal insights to other members of the business office
  • Establish sustainable revenue streams  
  • Influence school, district, and student success   
  • And much more!  

Download A+ Accounting: A School CFO’s Guide to Technology now.